Civil Engineering is about designing and constructing facilities that are essential for humans’ welfare, such as buildings we live in; roads that we use for commuting; bridges, tunnels for easy access; dams to produce energy; and many others. It is one of the earliest engineering disciplines that humanity has been practicing to develop civilization.
Civil Engineering Program aims to educate the students to gain an understanding of the fundamentals of science and engineering through which they can develop solutions to Civil Engineering problems and enhance their solving, communication, and research skills. Teamwork, independent and innovative thinking and leadership qualities are especially aimed to be emphasized. In particular, the program aims to:
Graduate students for the engineering and business communities with integrity, motivation, judgment, ability and education to assume a pioneering and leadership role to meet the demanding challenges of the society;
In the first two years of the undergraduate program students enhance their knowledge in basic science and mathematics which provide with engineering fundamentals. The study of engineering mechanics and materials which are fundamentals to civil engineering begins in the second year. The third and fourth years involve the study and application of the principles of structural engineering (analysis and design of reinforced concrete and steel structures), geotechnical engineering (behavior of soils, design of foundations), hydraulics engineering (flow of water in pipes, open channels, water resources), environmental engineering (pollution of our environment, collection and disposal of wastes), and the general systems approach to engineering problems. Students are also exposed to an introduction to construction management and economics which are essential to every practicing engineer.
Job opportunities:
Students graduating from Civil Engineering qualify for a responsible position in the industry in analysis, design and construction management. Prospective employers include, but are not limited to, construction contractors, consulting firms, industrial firms and various government agencies.
Curriculum of Department of Civil Engineering
1st Year: Freshman
Semester 1 - Core Courses
Courses | Name | Credit |
ACAD 111 | Academic English I | 3 |
ECON 100 | Introductory Economics | 3 |
ENGR 101 | Introduction to Engineering | 3 |
KHM 101 | Khmer Studies I | 3 |
MATH 101 | Calculus I | 4 |
PHYS 101 | Physics I | 4 |
Semester 2 - Core Courses
Courses | Name | Credit |
ACAD 112 | Academic English II | 3 |
CHEM 106 | General Chemistry | 4 |
ECON 110 | Applied Economics | 4 |
KHM 102 | Khmer Studies II | 3 |
MATH 102 | Calculus II | 4 |
PHYS 102 | Physics II | 4 |
2nd Year: Sophomore
Semester 3 - Core Courses
Remarks: Either CS151 or CS152 should be taken as a programming course
Courses | Name | Credit |
CE 201 | Engineering Mechanics | 4 |
CE 211 | Engineering Geology | 3 |
ENGR 205 | Computer Aided Geometric Design | 3 |
MATH 201 | Linear Algebra and Its Applications | 4 |
PHYS 201 | Electricity and Magnetism | 4 |
Semester 4 - Core Courses
Remarks: Non - Dept. Elective
Courses | Name | Credit |
CE 202 | Strength of Materials | 4 |
CE 212 | Construction Materials | 3 |
MATH 202 | Differential Equations | 4 |
MATH 250 | Probability and Statistics | 3 |
3rd Year: Junior
Semester 5 - Core Courses
Remarks: Non - Dept. Elective
Courses | Name | Credit |
CE 301 | Structural Analysis I | 4 |
CE 311 | Fluid Mechanics | 4 |
CE 321 | Surveying | 3 |
CE 331 | Soil Mechanics & Lab | 4 |
CE 341 | Strength of Materials II | 3 |
Semester 6 - Core Courses
Remarks: Non - Dept. Elective; CE Dept. Elective
Courses | Name | Credit |
CE 302 | Structural Analysis II | 4 |
CE 312 | Hydraulics | 4 |
CE 332 | Foundation Engineering | 4 |
CE 340 | Reinforced Concrete Structures | 4 |
4th Year: Senior
Semester 7 - Core Courses
Remarks: CE Dept. Elective
Courses | Name | Credit |
CE 421 | Environmental Engineering | 3 |
CE 431 | Construction Engineering Management | 3 |
CE 451 | Transportation Engineering | 4 |
CE 461 | Fundamentals of Steel Design | 4 |
Semester 8 - Core Courses
Remarks: At least 9 credit CE Dept. Elective courses
Courses | Name | Credit |
CE 492 | Project | 4 |
Departmental Elective Courses
Courses | Name | Credit |
CE 350 | Structural Timber Design | 3 |
CE 420 | Const. Cost Estimation and Bidding | 3 |
CE 440 | Civil Engineering System Analysis | 3 |
CE 445 | Reinforced Concrete Structures II | 4 |
CE 446 | Reinforced Concrete Structures Project | 1 |
CE 450 | Coastal Engineering | 3 |
CE 460 | Earthquake Engineering | 3 |
CE 470 | Water Treatment | 3 |
CE 480 | Finite Element Analysis | 3 |
CE 490 | Highway Design | 2 |